Movicol Lemon Lime

Help your patients restore natural, regular bowel movements with Movicol®

Did you know that 77% of people in Europe experience the symptoms of constipation or a stubborn stool at least a couple of times a year?1

Helping your patients with constipation symptoms

Many people have constipation symptoms without actually realising they have constipation, so might be unaware that Movicol® could help relieve them of their stubborn stool.

People across Europe are experiencing frequent issues with their bowel movements and the majority are suffering from symptoms over several days.1

52% of people recognise they have been constipated either through self-diagnosis or by a healthcare professionals .1

76% of people actively take steps to resolve their issues, and half of those who treat the problem use a product purchased over-the-counter (OTC).

Some patients avoid treatment because they believe their symptoms are not severe enough.


Many patients wait too long to purchase OTC treatments – approximately 5 days1.

As healthcare professionals, you can help.

Woman on couch with a cup

What is Movicol®?

Movicol® is a gentle but effective1 constipation treatment that works differently to other laxatives.

Movicol® is a non-stimulant laxative that is designed to have a targeted triple effect2:

  • Hydrates the stool allowing the water you drink to be used efficiently where it’s needed3
  • Softens the stool3
  • Restores your natural bowel movements3

*Such as bulk forming and stimulant laxatives

Movicol Lemon Lime

What are the benefits of prescribing Movicol® to your patients?

The active ingredient of Movicol® is macrogol which is a water-soluble polymer.4

Macrogol binds with water and draws it to your stool where it hydrates and softens dry, hard stools.3

The softened, hydrated stool increases in volume and as the stool gently expands it triggers a bowel movement.3

The rehydrated, softened stool makes the bowel movement feel more comfortable for the patient.3

Macrogol is virtually unabsorbed by the body. It is instead excreted in the faecal water without net gain or loss of sodium, potassium or water.3

Man drinking

How does Movicol® work?

Movicol® harnesses the power of water to hydrate and soften the stool, restoring natural bowel movements to help those suffering from constipation to get on with their day 2,3,5

woman drinking

Constipation is a common condition with up to 1 in 4 people using a product to treat their symptoms. Constipation symptoms could include:

Maria*, 41

It’s possible patients could feel bloated if they are constipated.

Mike*, 44

Are your patients going to the toilet to poo fewer than three times a week? If so, they could be constipated.




*Names for illustration purposes only

Jack*, 7

If your patients are experiencing difficult bowel movements this might be an indication that their stools have become hard, making them difficult and uncomfortable to pass.

Make a difference to your patients’ lives by recommending Movicol®.

Movicol® is clinically proven to relieve constipation in adults, children, older patients and can be used by pregnant/breastfeeding women*. Movicol® has been shown to have superior efficacy and tolerability versus lactulose and ispaghula husk.8,7

adults, the elderly, children 12+ years and pregnant/breastfeeding women*

by triggering a natural bowel movement in as little as 24 hours after consumption**6,7

supported by the guidelines 4,8

Man drinking

*Patients are required to talk to their doctor or pharmacist before taking medication when pregnant or breastfeeding

**May take longer for some users

Explore our free and downloadable educational resources for healthcare professionals. These materials are designed to help train healthcare professional staff effectively, making sure your pharmacy and pharmacy team are prepared for the appropriate supply of Movicol.


The Bristol Stool Chart

It’s important to know what a healthy stool looks like. The Bristol Stool chart is a diagnostic scale used to assess the health of a patient’s stool. On the chart, stools are assigned a number from 1 to 7, from the hardest to the loosest. If a patient’s stool does not look like type 3 or type 4, the person could be suffering from constipation symptoms.


The Perfect Seating Position

If your patient is taking more than a minute to pass a stool, they could be constipated. In this simple guide about the perfect pooing position, we highlight the small posture adjustments your patients can make to help reduce the risk of constipation. To download the guide, click here.

Opening a sachet of Movicol over a glas of water


  1. Data on file MOVICOL 017 (DOF-MOVIC-017). MOVICOL® Omnibus and Usage and Attitude (U&A) Market Research 2023 (MR 244)
  2. Candy D, Hammer H, Layer P et al. MOVICOL® (PEG3350 plus electrolytes): 20 years of evidence- based use. Key Opin Med 2016:3(3); 1-24.
  3. MOVICOL® 13.8g sachet, powder for oral solution, UK Summary of Product Characteristics Accessed here: Affiliates to localise
  4. Hammer HF, Hammer J, Gasche C: [Polyethylene glycol (Macrogol)–an overview of its use in diagnosis and therapy of gastrointestinal diseases]. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2000 Jan 28;112(2):53-60.
  5. Nakajima A, Shinbo K and Oota A et al. Polyethylene glycol 3350 plus electrolytes for chronic constipation: a 2-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with a 52-week open-label extension. J Gastroenterol. 2019 Sep;54(9):792-803.
  6. Cinca R, Chera D, Gruss HJ et al. Randomised clinical trial: macrogol/PEG 3350 + electrolytes vs. prucalopride in the treatment of chronic constipation in a controlled environment. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2013;37(9):876-886
  7. Wang HJ, Liang XM, Yu ZL et al. A randomised controlled comparison of low dose polyethylene glycol 3350 plus electrolytes with ispaghula husk in the treatment of adults with chronic functional constipation. Clin Drug Investig 2004;24(10):569-576
  8. Lee-Robichaud, H., Thomas, K., Morgan, J. et al. Lactulose versus Polyethylene Glycol for Chronic Constipation. The Cochrane Library, 2010;7:1-38